Thursday, January 20, 2011


I can't follow my math teacher, can't change classes, I've gotten a tutor, but if I can't explain what I need help with... I'm so frustrated right now...

I can't follow my math teacher because he SUCKS!!! He hasn't taught in 8 years and jumps around all over the place!!! EVERYONE in class is confused and I'm fine with the homework, even though he assigns homework that isn't even relevant to the lecture, but later in the semester I'm not going to understand a thing!!! HE WASN'T EVEN SUPPOSE TO BE THE ONE TEACHING THE CLASS!!!! I understand that situations come up where a teacher won't be able to do a class, but at least give us a heads up. The only other classes are: 2 at 9am M/W or T/TH... which I can't make because I don't have a ride... Why don't I have a ride? Because Stephen is a FUCKING LAZY ASSHOLE!!!! He refuses to get up that early so I have to be stuck with a teacher that can't teach me.... There is one other class, M/W at 6:00-8:00pm... Which means I wouldn't have time to do homework and its expensive... 4-5 dollars to and from. Weekly that would be... 21 dollars a week that I don't have... Plus it makes getting a job even harder, because I won't be available for nights... I'd need a job to be able to pay the $21 a week...

I don't think a tutor is what I need... I need a better teacher...

I need a car, I need a Job to get a car, I need a job to pay for rent, otherwise I'll be homeless come May.... I feel like I have to choose between work and school... Neither of which I can do.... I can't handle this pressure.... I need time... Which no one will give me.... I need money..... I have no solutions so if anyone does, please leave a comment....

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