If you are at all familiar with Asian products, you will have heard about Gatsby Moving Rubber by Mandom. I have personally tried most of the products except for the Technical Design Clay, the hair waxes, and the Mobile versions of the original products. I really like a lot of the products in the line, in America we identify them by their colors, but the products do have names. Yellow is Nuance Motion, Bright Blue is Cool Wet, Dark Grey/Black is Technical Design Clay, Grey is the Grunge Mat, Red/Pink is Spiky Edge, Purple/Lavender is Wild Shake, Orange is Loose Shuffle, and Bright Green is Air Rise. I'm pretty sure they all have the shampoo-y apple scent. I don't know about the Tech Design though. The scent is pretty soft, but can become a bit bothersome. I just ordered the Tech Design as well as reordered some of my faves, and I will be doing a series of vids on how to use these with long hair. I have found these to retail about $10-15, but it really depends on where you can find them... check Ebay they're a bit cheaper there.
Nuance Motion(Yellow) - Very malleable... You can pretty much move this around all day. This is a typical pomade sort of product, texture wise. Its not greasy, but can be a bit waxy... The waxiness could be because I'm using too much product though. I don't mind the waxiness, because it doesn't stay in my hair and I can just wash it out... Now, my hair is waist long and pretty fine. I like to use this product is when I have my hair up and need to add volume.
Spiky Edge(Red) - This is for Short hair. This doesn't work as well for me because when it sets it hardens a bit and I've found it to be chunky... But this IS for really short hair so... yeah.
Wild Shake(Purple) - Short to medium short styles. I love this one! Its really great for volumizing and for a more wild tousled look, especially great for beach waves!!! I love this one for volume and texture.
Loose Shuffle(Orange) - Short to Medium long hair. This one worked better on my hair so I recommend it to people with long hair. Adds great movement and dimension. Also great for beach waves.
Air Rise(Green) - For Medium short to medium long hair. I like this one too, its great for really bouncy volumized hair. Adds quite a bit of control so its great for holding curls.
Cool Wet(Blue) - Short to medium long. I remember not liking the finish of this... But I've never like the constantly wet hair style... In my opinion it makes people look like a drowned puppy.... Idk I just get that... I would only use a little of this on top of my hair for shine.
Grunge Mat(Light Grey) - Extremely short to medium short. I like this one for adding texture.
Places you can get these:
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