It finally came!!! I will absolutely post a review on it once I've tried, probably on both Youtube and on here. First impressions. Silky!! It feels like a primer, and yes it does contain Silica. After removing this foundation, my skin feels super soft like actual silk, really hydrated and smooth. It seems to blend really well, even without a primer underneath it. Color is AMAZINGLY pale!!!! This foundation will need a setting powder!
This Thursday I'll have a chance to try it, because my boyfriend's mom is hosting a costume party for Movember. The theme of this year's party is: Heroes and Villains... so is should be the perfect place! The party will be held in Aspen, and I believe its open to the public... if not, Just tell them that your Penny's Guest! (Can't guarantee anything, but worth a try. ^_^')
Movember: “The Mo, slang for moustache, and November come together each year for Movember.
Movember challenges men to change their appearance and the face of men’s health by growing a moustache. The rules are simple, start Movember 1st clean-shaven and then grow a moustache for the entire month. The moustache becomes the ribbon for men’s health, the means by which awareness and funds are raised for cancers that affect men. Much like the commitment to run or walk for charity, the men of Movember commit to growing a moustache for 30 days.
The idea for Movember was sparked in 2003 over a few beers in Melbourne, Australia. The plan was simple – to bring the moustache back as a bit of a joke and do something for men’s health. No money was raised in 2003, but the guys behind the Mo realized the potential a moustache had in generating conversations about men’s health. Inspired by the women around them and all they had done for breast cancer, the Mo Bros set themselves on a course to create a global men’s health movement.
In 2004 the campaign evolved and focused on raising awareness and funds for the number one cancer affecting men – prostate cancer. 432 Mo Bros joined the movement that year, raising $55,000 for the Prostate Cancer Foundation of Australia - representing the single largest donation they had ever received.
The Movember moustache has continued to grow year after year, expanding to the US, UK, Canada, New Zealand, Ireland, Spain, South Africa, the Netherlands and Finland.
In 2009, global participation of Mo Bros and Mo Sistas climbed to 255,755, with over one million donors raising $42 Million US equivalent dollars for Movember’s global beneficiary partners.”
I got this directly from the Movember Foundation website: Here's the link...
I think this is a great cause because Prostate cancer is one of the least talked about cancers, and all of the proceeded go to finding a cure! You can find out more about Movember by clicking that link and going to the “About Movember” tab.
So I guess that's all I have for now... I will post the location of the party as soon as I can.
Monday, November 29, 2010
Sunday, November 28, 2010
I GOT MY KEYBOARD!!! And Rant on Ubuntu...
:( ;(
Muahahahhahahahahahahahahaha!!!!! That's all of the characters I couldn't type before yesterday!!!! Which means I just got mu new keyboard and I'm super happy!!! Now I'm reformatting...
BTW Ubuntu, the netbook version, Unity, SUCKS!!!! I can't move the application/task bar.... WTF.. Ubuntu is supposed to be the MOST customizable Software out there.... So Why is it that I can't have the Task bar exactly where I want it??? Okay I wouldn't mind if it was a slim task bare like the top and bottom bars in Ubuntu... but this thing is HUGE!!! It takes up so much room on the left hand side of the monitor that I can barely focus on anything else!!! And you can't make it disappear!! Like the windows task bar.. which I love, but I'm sick of getting viruses!!! Fucking Trojans!!! Piss me off all the time.... every time I look up Kanji I get a fucking virus!!!! Why? Idk... supposedly Asian web sites are notorious for viruses... I know, I know, SUPER stereotypical... but whatever...
Back to the Task Bar... I guess if your Vertically minded it would be okay, but I'm not, in fact, most people aren't. And no it isn't something I can just GET USED TO... I can't focus because its vertical... Its simply not how I think or function. And If your going to use Gnome... then why have the netbook version at all... Especially when the desktop version is soooooooooo much more customizable...
My Solution... I'm going to try Ubuntu Mint, which is supposedly more like Windows...
Okay, I've ranted enough... If anyone has questions or something to add, please leave me a comment!
:( ;(
Muahahahhahahahahahahahahaha!!!!! That's all of the characters I couldn't type before yesterday!!!! Which means I just got mu new keyboard and I'm super happy!!! Now I'm reformatting...
BTW Ubuntu, the netbook version, Unity, SUCKS!!!! I can't move the application/task bar.... WTF.. Ubuntu is supposed to be the MOST customizable Software out there.... So Why is it that I can't have the Task bar exactly where I want it??? Okay I wouldn't mind if it was a slim task bare like the top and bottom bars in Ubuntu... but this thing is HUGE!!! It takes up so much room on the left hand side of the monitor that I can barely focus on anything else!!! And you can't make it disappear!! Like the windows task bar.. which I love, but I'm sick of getting viruses!!! Fucking Trojans!!! Piss me off all the time.... every time I look up Kanji I get a fucking virus!!!! Why? Idk... supposedly Asian web sites are notorious for viruses... I know, I know, SUPER stereotypical... but whatever...
Back to the Task Bar... I guess if your Vertically minded it would be okay, but I'm not, in fact, most people aren't. And no it isn't something I can just GET USED TO... I can't focus because its vertical... Its simply not how I think or function. And If your going to use Gnome... then why have the netbook version at all... Especially when the desktop version is soooooooooo much more customizable...
My Solution... I'm going to try Ubuntu Mint, which is supposedly more like Windows...
Okay, I've ranted enough... If anyone has questions or something to add, please leave me a comment!
Friday, November 26, 2010
Today was Sophie Lancaster's Birthday, she would have been 24. S.O.P.H.I.E. stands for Stamp Out Prejudice, Hate, & Intolerance Everywhere. I know Illamasqua is one place where you can donate to the Sophie Lancaster Foundation, there are others too, mostly theater companies. If you don't know who Sophie Lancaster was, she was, in my opinion, a BEAUTIFUL young woman, who was viciously attacked by a group of teens for being Goth. Her and her boyfriend were walking home from a park and were attacked. Her boyfriend, Robert Maltby, recovered,though he was in a coma for quite a while. Sophie actually saved his life by covering him with her body! Sophie, however, never regained consciousness and later died from the wounds she had sustained.
This, for sure, isn't the only place that an attack like this has occurred, but it did get pretty astounding media attention. But today is one of those days where we "Subculture Freaks", a term I use Lovingly, can really band together. No matter where we place on the subculture field, this is one of those days we can really support each other.
This, for sure, isn't the only place that an attack like this has occurred, but it did get pretty astounding media attention. But today is one of those days where we "Subculture Freaks", a term I use Lovingly, can really band together. No matter where we place on the subculture field, this is one of those days we can really support each other.
Happy Thanksgiving!
Even thought I don't exactly practice this holiday, I think its a nice custom. I hope everyone had a safe and happy holiday!
Thursday, November 25, 2010
Why I don't Use Waterproof...
When I was first getting into makeup, I would always wear waterproof mascara. Alas, it was so hard to take off that I eventually just kept it on. Now I wasn't one of those girls that would pack it on everyday, I'd apply my mascara on Monday and wear it till Friday. I know that that's complete un-hygienic, but what can I say... I was young, and foolish.... After a while though I started to notice my eyesight getting worse... not just my eyesight.... but because my eyes are SUPER sensitive they would almost always be irritated. So I eventually just stopped wearing mascara, and when I got back into it, I, now, only wear the regular kind. Honestly, I don't notice a difference between regular and waterproof. Any mascara is going to wear off in the pool... but I don't really cry, the rain/snow doesn't seem to effect it, I don't get smudges, and I don't get clumping. The only difference I notice is that regular mascara is sooooo much easier to get off.
Review: Disana Muslin Facial Cloths
I recently ordered this from ebay, my seller was schoopanella_oznz... Great seller definitely worth checking out!!!! Originally, I wasn't going to do a review on these, but they actually work really well!!! I bought this three pack for about eight dollars minus shipping. These cloths work amazingly!!! Even after using them once, my skin is smoother, softer, and the rest of my acne is clearing up!! I first learned about Muslin cloths from Klaire de Lys... she's amazing and I also recommend her. This link is to her blog, but she also has a youtube. I've been using these for about a week, little less, and their 100% cotton. I hand wash mine, but the package says they can be machine washed ans tumbled dry on low heat. To use these cloths, you simply wet the cloth, wipe your face to wet it, apply your cleaner, NOT EXFOLIATOR!!! These cloths exfoliate your skin naturally! Then wash you face as usual. 10 out of 10.
Wednesday, November 24, 2010
Celtic Proverb 29
Your son is your son until he marries but your daughter is your daughter until you die.
Is é do mhac do mhac go bpósann sé ach is í d'iníon go bhfaighidh tú bás.
~Celtic Poverb
Is é do mhac do mhac go bpósann sé ach is í d'iníon go bhfaighidh tú bás.
~Celtic Poverb
I Just Burnt My Eyelshes....
only on one side too!!! Now that side is shorter than the other!!! I had a loose thread on my shirt and decided to burn it off, so it wouldn't unravel. I got the thread, but my eyelashes too! Its okay, but it'll be two weeks at least until their back to normal!!!!
Monday, November 22, 2010
Review: Juliette has a Gun: Not a Perfume
This is a soli-note fragrance... and that note is Ambroxan. I like this scent... Ambroxan is a substitute for Ambergris, yes that ambergris that I love!!! Its sweet but deep and musky...I can see why they use it as a substitute. While it has characteristics of Ambergris, the musk and warmth, you can never really compare it to the real thing... Its sweetness is just too floral to be Ambergris... who's sweetness is more.... animalic I suppose... Its interesting and I like it, but not as much as Ambergris.
10 out of 10
This just in from Wiki... "It shows aphrodisiac effects on animals."
See for yourself!!!
10 out of 10
This just in from Wiki... "It shows aphrodisiac effects on animals."
See for yourself!!!
Serendipitous By Serendipity 3
This a fragrance from World Renown Ice Creamer Serendipity 3... who makes the most expensive ice cream treat in the world, The Frrrozen Haute Chocolate. This scent smells exactly like toasted marshmallows!! Not something I'd wear... but its kinda fun to have a play around with! Doesn't develop much, but the vanilla hangs in pretty well... and the blood orange is no where to be seen... smelt. Overall its not bad, a little metallic, but that kinda softens the sweetness.
Saturday, November 20, 2010
Buxom Big Healthy Lip Polish: Ginger
This is a review of Bare Mineral's Buxom Big Healthy Lip Polish in Ginger. For a Lip Plumper, I love this!!! Its stimulating, but soothing and hydrating at the same time!!! Its not sticky, has an amazing glass-like finish, and even though Ginger is a sheer Lip Polish, the color payoff is really good! This Lip plumper really works well for plumping the lip. I payed 18 dollars for this product and for the amount and the effect, its worth every penny!!! Definitely recommend this product! 10 out of 10
Calvin Klein: Beauty
Type: Woman's Bouquet: Sweet Florals. This fragrance is very mild, even though its moderate in strength. Honestly, it smells like half a dozen other fragrances I've smelled before. It has a white musk aspect like White Diamonds, Camellia from Halloween or White Camellia. Overall its sweet and floral, and doesn't develop much on the skin. Its pretty, but doesn't stand about the other pretty scents out there. 6 out of 10
Today is My First Time Selling on Ebay!!!
I'm selling all of the Unopened Bare Minerals makeup and other products, that I simply can't use... My items are under Ladydeath777...
Friday, November 19, 2010
Review: Bare Minerals Prime Time Prep Kit
I bought this kit for twenty nine dollars. It included the Prime Time Foundation Primer, Eye Rev-er Upper, and and the Skin Rev-er Upper.
1) Prime Time: This was the first primer I had ever used, and I actually really like it. Even though it is silica based, it doesn't clog my pores very much. Its very Moisturizing! 8 out of 10
2) Eye Rev-er Upper: This is sparkly... so I'm not very fond of it. I don't think its very moisturizing, but it does absorb really easily. 5 out of 10
3) Skin Rev-er Upper: I'm not that fond of this product either. Its not very moisturizing either, but again it, does absorb really easily. 6 out of 10
1) Prime Time: This was the first primer I had ever used, and I actually really like it. Even though it is silica based, it doesn't clog my pores very much. Its very Moisturizing! 8 out of 10
2) Eye Rev-er Upper: This is sparkly... so I'm not very fond of it. I don't think its very moisturizing, but it does absorb really easily. 5 out of 10
3) Skin Rev-er Upper: I'm not that fond of this product either. Its not very moisturizing either, but again it, does absorb really easily. 6 out of 10
Review: Bare Minerals Brushes
I like these brushes pretty well. I received these brushes in the starter kit.
1) Precision Concealer Brush: Probably my favorite brush. Its great for eyeliner, because its a large flat rounded brush. Its also great for eyeshadow. 10 out of 10

2)Flawless Face: I like this brush for setting foundation, but I don't have a use for it otherwise. It has a tendency to shed, as well. 6 out of 10

3) Handy Buki: I like this brush for blush, highlighter, and bronzer. Its great for blending. 8 out of 10

4)Max Coverage Concealer: I love this brush for eyeshadow and concealer. 7 out of 10
1) Precision Concealer Brush: Probably my favorite brush. Its great for eyeliner, because its a large flat rounded brush. Its also great for eyeshadow. 10 out of 10

2)Flawless Face: I like this brush for setting foundation, but I don't have a use for it otherwise. It has a tendency to shed, as well. 6 out of 10

3) Handy Buki: I like this brush for blush, highlighter, and bronzer. Its great for blending. 8 out of 10

4)Max Coverage Concealer: I love this brush for eyeshadow and concealer. 7 out of 10

Review: Rare Minerals; Blemish Therapy
I bought this for 28 dollars. I'm okay with this but I don't usually use it. Mainly because it really sinks into the pores and because of the smell. It has sulfur in in, so for the same reason I can't use the Mario Badescu Drying Cream. The scent is very sulfuric. The color is really yellow, too. 5 out of 10
Review: Bare Minerals Eyeshadow
This I love!!! I think, if you shop Bare Minerals, you should definitely buy the eyeshadows or the lip glosses!!! I love Bare Minerals for these products alone! This was a gift, when I as a customer. I have the color Starlight. Its beautiful for foiled looks, its sort of a champagne shimmer/sheen. Its a loose pigment; personally I love loose pigments for their versatility. As an eyeliner, for foiling, for highlighters, loose pigments are the best... but for an eyeliner I don't think this one would work, simply because it has glitter. Even when only used with water, this pigment doesn't move at all! 10 out of 10!
Review: Bare Minerals Concealer
I received this as a free gift when I was a customer of Bare Minerals. Its spf 20, and I have this in the lightest color which is Bisque. This works okay as a concealer, but it is really dark for me. I can actually use this as a bronzer... it works better for me than Warmth... which is super dark for me. 3 out of 10
Review: Bare Minerals: Mineral Veil
This is nineteen dollars, but I received it in the starter kit. The foundations are $28 each. I think the kit was fifty nine dollars. This is the original Mineral Veil, I haven't tried the others. This I usually use as a setting powder, but it makes me look orange and muddy, even though its a "Transparent" powder. When used as a setting powder for liquid foundation it works pretty well, but it really sinks into the pores. 4 out of 10
Review: Bare Minerals Foundation
I have both Fair and Fairly Light, neither of them work very well on me. Their both too dark. Even Mineral Vail is too dark on me and makes me look rather muddy. These foundations have no coverage and no staying power. They tend to be pretty drying, as well. I have the original, I haven't tried the matte, simply because I dislike the foundation and I really don't think its worth the money. 2 out of 10
Wednesday, November 17, 2010
Review: Maybelline Dream Liquid Mousse Foundation
I like this product for the texture and the coverage. It also lasts a really long time. I have this foundation in Porcelain Ivory, the lightest color they have. Its too dark for me and its warm, so I usually mix it with my Covergirl Clean foundation, since that's cool. It really does give you an airbrushed finish and its very hydrating! 8 out of 10, just wish is was a better color.
Review: Covergirl Clean Foundation
Color: Ivory. Skin Type: Sensitive. I live this foundation simply for the color, but as it turns out, if used alone it looks redish...not even like you have red skin, it looks pretty artificial. It's very sheer, and very thin... you definitely need a setting powder for this one... I usually mix this with Maybelline Dream Liquid Mousse which works pretty efficiently. Overall, its a 6 out of 10.
Review: Revlon Beyond Natural Skin Matching Foundation
This is one of the worst products I've ever bought!! And the thing is that everyone loves this stuff! I haven't read a bad review... So here's one! The color, mine is light, is sooooo muddy and dark, I can't use it since I never tan. The color is like orange-tan-ish brown. The product is runny... watery. It just pours out of the tube and you can never get the right amount. Its like seven dollars, but I could have saved that for something else... I've used this with a primer, which thickens it slightly, but it tends to sink into the pores without primer. Its very drying!!! Honestly, I can't say much else about this foundation since I didn't keep it on my skin for more than a half hour! It really sucks, cause I LOVE Revlon products! Sorry Revlon, maybe have a Super Light... then we'll talk. 1 out of 10
Update... 11/17/10
I ordered the riche liquid foundation from Illamasqua... finally! We'll see how it works when it gets here and I'll do a review. Lets hope it works and I don't have to return anything... I've also gotten a new keyboard for my comp, so I'll have working nine and question mark keys. *just in case you were wondering why I haven't been typing either of these*
E.L.F cosmetics
Otherwise known as eyes, lips, face. I wanted to purchase some items from this site, but its yet another site that apparently doesn't have a paypal option.... Which sucks... but what are you going to do. Thing is, is that there was a little paypal seal at the bottom of the page. Can any one explain this.
Friday, November 12, 2010
Private Selecton: Rooibos Tea
Tea: Rooibos. This tea is Caffeine free, and only contains rooibos. Does the scent of some teas remind anyone else of crushed bugs!??????! Sometimes black teas, and I suppose this one now, smell exactly like insects to me... its very strange, and reminds me of my childhood killing grasshoppers! Anyway, this tea is red-ish brown, and smells like wet leaves in autumn, or crushed insects.... The honey kind of takes over the flavor of this tea, otherwise it pretty much tastes like leaves; its pleasant.
Review: Tazo: Zen
Tea: Green/herbal. Ingredients: Green tea, Lemon Verbena, Spearmint, and Lemongrass. The scent it herbal, the color is green-gold, and you can definitely taste the green tea and the spearmint. The taste is clean, but its not my favorite tea. There's something grassy about it, like chamomile.
Review: Juliette has a Gun: Calamity J
This is an interesting scent, a little spicy, a little sweet, and a little airy. You take the scent into your nose, and then it pretty much disappears until you take another breath. Patchouli, brings the spice, so its a sort of woody spice. Its very light though, like you wouldn't guess patchouli as an ingredient. The Amber supplies the warmth in this perfume. I don't smell Iris, but I'm thinking the Musc is the really airy note. Overall, its pleasant, but Calamity just doesn't have enough substance for a girl like me! 6 Stars.
Bois D'Iris and Midnight Oud
Bois D'Iris definitely softens the blow, but plastic win out. Honestly, I'm kind of liking theses two. Bois has a tendency to up and leave mid-sentence and Midnight is just hostile! The plastic is starting to become hushed; this is about five minutes in. Its a little nice with the dryness of the iris, they are the odd pair that actually might have a chance at happiness, as well as everyone around them! Its still artificial, but I think I can wear this!
Thursday, November 11, 2010
Illamasqua Rich Liquid Foundation... and my comment to another blogger.
I commented this to Alienman at I thought I stated it pretty well, so I'm copying it here, and hoping someone will comment and give me advice...
Okay so, I've been stalking this foundation for a while now, I'm not sure I'm ready to commit.... Especially if it turns out that it will be a gold digger and be a waste of money and time! The reason I want to try this is because I'm SUPER fair with neutral undertones, and this is the only company I've found that seems to have a shade that might fit me, and is full coverage. But, I am fair, and pale skin an sensitivity go hand in hand! I break out very easily, I have a lot of redness, and I have large pores around my nose. Illamasqua just got a paypal option, which is one reason I wasn't going to buy, but now my excuses are dwindling, and I'm getting pretty desperate for an AMAZING foundation...
Keep in mind this foundation is 21 euro for 30 ml... about 28 dollars, not to mention shipping... So I'd like it to be pretty perfect...
Okay so, I've been stalking this foundation for a while now, I'm not sure I'm ready to commit.... Especially if it turns out that it will be a gold digger and be a waste of money and time! The reason I want to try this is because I'm SUPER fair with neutral undertones, and this is the only company I've found that seems to have a shade that might fit me, and is full coverage. But, I am fair, and pale skin an sensitivity go hand in hand! I break out very easily, I have a lot of redness, and I have large pores around my nose. Illamasqua just got a paypal option, which is one reason I wasn't going to buy, but now my excuses are dwindling, and I'm getting pretty desperate for an AMAZING foundation...
Keep in mind this foundation is 21 euro for 30 ml... about 28 dollars, not to mention shipping... So I'd like it to be pretty perfect...
Review: Zhena's Gypsy Tea; Coconut Chai
I love this brand and this specific tea! This is probably my favorite of the line. This Chai is a blend of Ceylon and Assam black tea, cinnamon, ginger, cardamom, cloves, orange peel, nutmeg, black pepper, and coconut. This tea is all natural, organic, and certified Fair Trade, which I really support! It has about 40mg of Caffeine. The problem I've found with this tea, is that, to get a strong brew... you have to pretty extensively boil the tea bag, even then I add two. So it is a fairly weak tea, but its super delicious. I definitely recommend this! Zhena's Gypsy Tea.
Cosmetic Acne
I believe I have cosmetic acne, probably from using an exfoliator that is too abrasive, and from using too many skin care products... Even natural skin care can cause cosmetic acne, and men can get this as well. Something to remember is.... not all oils will clog your pores... one of these is sunflower seed oil.
Right now I'm really hating my skin... I have acne all around my mouth area, this can be a sign of hormone imbalance, by the way, so it kinda looks like I have herpes..... Yay.... But I know for a fact that I don't have herpes, because I've been tested for it. I'm going to only wash my face once a week with a cleanser for a while and see how that works. Otherwise, I'll just use water...
Right now I'm really hating my skin... I have acne all around my mouth area, this can be a sign of hormone imbalance, by the way, so it kinda looks like I have herpes..... Yay.... But I know for a fact that I don't have herpes, because I've been tested for it. I'm going to only wash my face once a week with a cleanser for a while and see how that works. Otherwise, I'll just use water...
Wednesday, November 10, 2010
Review: Numi; Emperor's Puerh
Tea: Black. This is an organic broad leaf tea, grown in the Yunnan Mountains. This is black tea, so id does contain caffeine. Puerh is fermented and aged for a period ranging from months to years. I prefer to have it tea with honey and cream, but the cream turns, the otherwise dark brown tea, pink!!! Its really strange, but the cream really brings out the malt flavor of the tea. The box says that the tea has "A dark Sienna" tone, which explains the pink tone. I'm a big fan of black teas, there one of my favorites, and this is one of the best teas that I've tried.
Review: Celestial Seasonings; Mint Magic
*I drink almost all tea with honey, except Orange Spice teas, Greens, and Whites. So I suppose this should be kept in mind since what you put into your tea can most definitely change the flavor.
I'm okay with this tea. Its caffeine free. Contains: Spearmint, Peppermint, Roasted Chicory, Cinnamon, and Orange peel. Its not my favorite mint tea, but its alright. This tea is very fragrant; the taste is also very potent. Basically, it tastes and smells of mint...lolz The color is transparent, herbal green, and, of course, it comes in a bag. I'm more a fan of loose leaf, but bagged tea can be just as good.
I'm okay with this tea. Its caffeine free. Contains: Spearmint, Peppermint, Roasted Chicory, Cinnamon, and Orange peel. Its not my favorite mint tea, but its alright. This tea is very fragrant; the taste is also very potent. Basically, it tastes and smells of mint...lolz The color is transparent, herbal green, and, of course, it comes in a bag. I'm more a fan of loose leaf, but bagged tea can be just as good.
Tuesday, November 9, 2010
My Favorite Skin Care Company!
Is, of course, Mario Badescu! Their products are pretty fantastic, and even though there upper end, they aren't very expensive... Mario Badescu
Monday, November 8, 2010
How young is too young... drinking
I've drank quite a bit in my lifetime, even though I'm only 18. It all started when I was a child, a glass of wine with dinner, a little beer every once in a while. When I was twelve, I started drinking more varied sorts of liquor and alcoholic beverages. It was around then that I realized I couldn't get drunk, I could get pretty buzzed, but never drunk. So I always watched my limit, cause if you can't get drunk, You won't pass out if you've had too much... and I'm always afraid of Alcohol Poisoning. So even though I drink and I'm young, I tend to be pretty responsible and follow moderation. Since I've turned 18, I've started to really have an opinion about alcohol and the legal age limit. And honestly, I think Japan has a better policy than America, their legal age limit for everything is 20. So when you turn 20 you are an adult, capable of making your own choices and having all of your rights available to you. I mean, I can die for my country, I can drive, I can smoke and buy tobacco; as well as other smoke-ables like Salvia Divinorum, I can vote, I can stay out as late as I want, but I can't have a beer with my dad. Or buy a bottle of wine to cook with.... To me this just seems ridiculous. I'm an adult, but not really, because I don't have all of my rights as a citizen.... So the two solutions that I can think of... 1) Raise the age of becoming an adult to 21, or 2) lower the drinking age to 18.
Problems with #1.
If a draft comes, there will be far less people that can go into the military.
You'll have to have your parents with you in college. *to sign papers and stuff.*
If you work late to support a family, then you have to be home by city issued curfew.
Wards of the state will be in custody longer and that will cost A LOT of money.
Problems with #2.
Drunk driving will probably increase, but adults do this ALL THE TIME anyway.
Alcohol consumption will increase.
Problems with #1.
If a draft comes, there will be far less people that can go into the military.
You'll have to have your parents with you in college. *to sign papers and stuff.*
If you work late to support a family, then you have to be home by city issued curfew.
Wards of the state will be in custody longer and that will cost A LOT of money.
Problems with #2.
Drunk driving will probably increase, but adults do this ALL THE TIME anyway.
Alcohol consumption will increase.
Sunday, November 7, 2010
Best places online to shop for perfume:
In no particular order... They ALWAYS have deals and coupons, they ship really quickly and go above and beyond when it comes to packaging. Their selection is amazing, but they don't have everything, its important to keep that in mind, but you can request items. This is a great place to shop hard to find perfume. They have an amazing selection if your looking for something in particular. They ship quickly, and have A LOT of information on the brands and the perfumers.
The Perfume Court I've only look around on this site. I like the look and feel of it, and find it to be easy to navigate. They have a great selection, and this is the only site I've found that is willing to send out samples of Secretions Magnifique.
Black Phoenix Alchemy Lab I love the scents, and their selection! They create all of their fragrances which is really nice. I love the historical and literary references. They ALWAYS have deals and coupons, they ship really quickly and go above and beyond when it comes to packaging. Their selection is amazing, but they don't have everything, its important to keep that in mind, but you can request items. This is a great place to shop hard to find perfume. They have an amazing selection if your looking for something in particular. They ship quickly, and have A LOT of information on the brands and the perfumers.
The Perfume Court I've only look around on this site. I like the look and feel of it, and find it to be easy to navigate. They have a great selection, and this is the only site I've found that is willing to send out samples of Secretions Magnifique.
Black Phoenix Alchemy Lab I love the scents, and their selection! They create all of their fragrances which is really nice. I love the historical and literary references.
Saturday, November 6, 2010
Cigars: Color
Double Claro: Very Light, slightly green in color. The green of the wrapper means that the leaves are picked before they reach maturity, I assume the reason is the same as with white tea, it heightens the sweetness.
Claro: Very Light Tan. This means that the tobacco is shade grown which also heightens the sweetness.
Colorado Claro: Not this doesn't have anything to do with the state, it has to do with the color red... Colorado in Spanish is the COLOR RED... This tobacco will have a slightly red-tan color.
Colorado: Red tobacco, also called Rosado.
Colorado Maduro: Darker red-brown. Usually comes from Africa and comes from Cuban seed.
Maduro: Dark Brown. Primarily American and South American grown.
Oscuro: VERY dark Black, often oily looking.
Where I got most of my info... Here
Claro: Very Light Tan. This means that the tobacco is shade grown which also heightens the sweetness.
Colorado Claro: Not this doesn't have anything to do with the state, it has to do with the color red... Colorado in Spanish is the COLOR RED... This tobacco will have a slightly red-tan color.
Colorado: Red tobacco, also called Rosado.
Colorado Maduro: Darker red-brown. Usually comes from Africa and comes from Cuban seed.
Maduro: Dark Brown. Primarily American and South American grown.
Oscuro: VERY dark Black, often oily looking.
Where I got most of my info... Here
Great News from Illamasqua!!!
They now accept Paypal!!! I'm so delighted to hear this news, I have a debit card and I've always wanted to try some foundation from Illamasqua!! Shopping online with a debit is very dangerous, more dangerous than shopping with a credit card! So I use paypal for everything, and I'm really happy that now I can shop my favorite makeup website with peace of mind!
Illamasqua website.
Illamasqua website.
Friday, November 5, 2010
Did you know...
That Sakura, Japanese cherry blossom trees, is actually just a flowering Cherry. Meaning, the tree doesn't bare fruit! I've always thought that Sakura were actually cherry trees. I must admit, it is a bit disappointing... I had this romantic vision of Hanami, flower viewing in spring; then in summer, returning to that tree to collect the fruit; and in autumn, watching the leaves change. So I'm a little sad to find out that they don't bare fruit. They're still beautiful though!
Thursday, November 4, 2010
Cigars... To band or not to band....
Er... That's an awkward statement...
Okay so what I'm referring to is the band that comes on Cigars. Some people say, "Take the band off, its tradition!" Others, like myself, say, "Keep it on, if you rip the wrapper the WHOLE thing could come undone!" Honestly, cigar smoking is all about personal preference. There ARE NO 'bad' cigars, there can be poorly made cigars, but really what you smoke all comes down to personal taste. I would advise keeping the band on until you've maybe smoked two thirds of the cigar, because you can rip the wrapper, which can compromise the structural integrity of the cigar. This can result in a very bad smoking experience. If you allow enough time before removing the band, the warmth from the lit cigar will soften the vegetable adhesive enough for you to safely remove the band. If you do choose to remove the band prior to this, please be very careful! For your own sake as well as out of respect for the cigar maker, since many cigars are hand made, which takes a Monumental amount of time, experience, patience, and skill!! Cigar making and smoking is both a ritual and an art, and when fully appreciated can be a really beautiful experience!
I am curious to see what other people think about this subject. Also, if you feel like I've left something out, or if I didn't explain something fully, please feel free to comment.
Okay so what I'm referring to is the band that comes on Cigars. Some people say, "Take the band off, its tradition!" Others, like myself, say, "Keep it on, if you rip the wrapper the WHOLE thing could come undone!" Honestly, cigar smoking is all about personal preference. There ARE NO 'bad' cigars, there can be poorly made cigars, but really what you smoke all comes down to personal taste. I would advise keeping the band on until you've maybe smoked two thirds of the cigar, because you can rip the wrapper, which can compromise the structural integrity of the cigar. This can result in a very bad smoking experience. If you allow enough time before removing the band, the warmth from the lit cigar will soften the vegetable adhesive enough for you to safely remove the band. If you do choose to remove the band prior to this, please be very careful! For your own sake as well as out of respect for the cigar maker, since many cigars are hand made, which takes a Monumental amount of time, experience, patience, and skill!! Cigar making and smoking is both a ritual and an art, and when fully appreciated can be a really beautiful experience!
I am curious to see what other people think about this subject. Also, if you feel like I've left something out, or if I didn't explain something fully, please feel free to comment.
Birthday Shout Out!
Happy Birthday Dad! I believe he is 73 today... Idk I can't keep up with that man!
Celtic Proverb 28
Dance as if no one's watching, sing as if no one's listening, and live everyday as if it were your last.
~Celtic Proverb
~Celtic Proverb
Movie Reviews: Paranormal Activity 2
I just went to see this film on Tuesday. I really liked Paranormal Activity, I found the low budget docu-drama style to be fairly appealing, so I went to see the second. I'm going to try not to spoil, but this movie is a prequel to Paranormal Activity. They, rather successfully, add a slight back story, which sort of explains things a bit. Here's what I don't like about Western Horror Movies, the Screamers. Now if your movie savvy, then you'll already know what a screamer is, but for those of you who don't its a LOUD noise, usually high pitched, like a scream, followed by a sudden movement. This isn't scary, but it almost always causes a reaction. True fear is silent, it's a absolutely foreboding feeling, or the absolute feeling of dread. This has everything to do with the plot and the acting, and very little to do with special effects or editing. Fear is much harder to create, while screamers offer cheap thrills! So, back to my point, PA2 has A LOT of screamers, but it also makes you think. It makes you question, though I must admit, some of the questions are, in fact, questioning the acting, plot, special effects, ect. I honestly wonder where they are going to take this film next. I do hope there is a third, but I hope it doesn't go past that. *cough, cough* SAW *cough, cough*
Paranormal Activity 2: 8 out of 10
Paranormal Activity 2: 8 out of 10
Tuesday, November 2, 2010
Citizen Queen and Tiptoeing!!!
These two, Juliette Has a Gun; Citizen Queen and Tiptoeing Through the Chambers of the Moon, smell mouthwatering-ly good together. No surprise there, but Tiptoeing does sort of take over, while Citizen Queen just fades to black. But Citizen Queen seems to add a sort of oudy note, a PLEASANT Oudy note! Unlike the oud in Midnight Oud, this note is like vanilla plastic... new doll plastic. Its kind of wonderful, soft and dry and nostalgic... Maybe the Coconut in Tiptoeing mixed with the Labdanum in Citizen Queen... Idk, but I do recommend this as a try out!
Happy All Souls Day and Voter day!!
I hope everyone who hasn't voted votes and yesterday was All Souls Day. I just wanted to say something about it....
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