Saturday, October 23, 2010


I completely disagree with circumcision... I think its a terrible, barbaric practice. I can't imagine being a mother and having my newborn son taken to a room and mutilated, all the while screaming his head off! It really disgusts me. It's completely unnecessary and can actually be really dangerous! The foreskin is meant to protect the penis from debris, such as fecal matter, without the foreskin the penis is completely unprotected! Many times this can lead to serious infection, it can even cause necrosis in the entire penis and then the penis can actually fall off. In circumstances like this gender reassignment surgery is usually the coarse of treatment. Why do people think this is necessary... why do modern cultures find this necessary... Circumcision doesn't prevent AIDS, safe sex practices do. People don't need to be mutilated they need better sex ed! Circumcision doesn't calm men; in fact, studies have shown that circumcision cause long term psychological problems, not just physical problems. Anger issues, erectile dysfunction, infections, impotence, skin bridges, infertility, and so many others. I believe circumcision is a huge problem for men and women alike.


  1. Glad to see you're in favour of leaving babies - and hence men - the way they were born, the way 3/4 of the men in the world enjoy being. (The US is the only country in the world that circumcises babies for non-religious reasons. Most circumcision in the world is of Muslim boys aged 6-12.) Do read up more about it, for example at the Intactivism Pages. The issues you mention are serious, but not common enough to make people take them seriously. The issue that should be a universal concern in the Land of the Free is the right of every person - male, female or intersex - to decide for themselves what parts of their own bodies they want to keep (Genital Autonomy). Most people, of course, choose to keep them all - in fact the male baby's foreskin is the only part it's even legal to remove without pressing medical need. This anomaly (and double standard, when the most nearly corresponding part of female babies has special legal protection) needs to be corrected.

  2. I believe that if one male child's penis can fall off, that IS to common!! Absolutely, Why is it okay to do this to males but not females. I'm not saying female circumcision is a good thing, and in Africa it can go so far as removing everything and then being stitched shut... but Flaying happens to men as well.
