Last week I had my first treatment with Isolaz Deep Pore Lazr Therapy. Its a therapy for acne, hyper-pigmentation, and broken capillaries. Basically, Isolaz is a vacuum which draws all of the congestion, impurities, and bacteria to the surface of your skin, instead of in your pores, and sucks it away. The vacuum is then followed by a painless broadband light which kills all of the bacteria. Depending on how sensitive your skin is is what level of treatment you can receive, except in this case its better to have pale, sensitive skin because you can have stronger treatments. I started at level four, as it was my first time, but I can go up to 10.
During the procedure, which lasts maybe 15 min, you feel the vacuum latch onto your skin and then the lazer is just warm. There isn't any pain involved! There also isn't any down time and you can apply makeup or moisturizer right after its done! The only downside is that it smells because the lazer is singeing the hair on your face. For the first 24 hours after my treatment, my face broke out from all of the toxins being pulled to the surface, but then everything gradually started to heal. I'm going back this following Tuesday to get another treatment.
Check it out:
If you are looking for a fantastic treatment for acne, blemishes and your complexion...try Levulan PDT (Photo Dynamic Therapy). It is amazing at clearing your skin. I actually did it to even out my complexion but haven't had a single pimple in 2 years. Relatively cheap too at about 350-400 per procedure.