Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Beauty Spells, and my thoughts on them...

I've been thinking a lot about beauty spells recently; to the point of looking them up actually. And I've found some really interesting sites and spells, but the whole thing kinda creeps me out... Most of the time these spells are calling out to a Goddess and asking for a physical change. Yeah, there are the one's I'm okay with; for instance, spells for clear skin, longer hair, etc. But then there are the ones that are asking for weight loss, or for changing your eye color, or for making your chest bigger... and this is what worries me. I can understand why women would seek out such a change, believe me I do, and I think that a spell to change a persons eye color is interesting, but I wouldn't do it unless I knew it would wear off... maybe not even then.

It feels to me like calling out to a Goddess for a permanent change of being is like magickal plastic surgery... And do we really want to go there?! I think that the Goddess/es would be very disappointed in that, and perhaps offended. I know there are things about my body that I want to change, but I want to do it the right way... otherwise I'm not changing my habits. I want abs, so I'm working to get them instead of going and getting lipo or even using a spell. If I can't start good exercise habits, then why should I rely on magick to get results, which will most likely wear off because I'm not maintaining it. Its not like I don't want to experiment with these spells, but I just wouldn't feel right if I did.

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Proverb of the day: 2/8/2011

You come to love not by finding the perfect person, but by seeing an imperfect person perfectly.

~ Unknown. 

Monday, August 1, 2011