I don't remember all of it, but the part that really stuck out to me was this:
I was standing in the backyard of the house where I grew up. I was walking besides the fence and I stopped and looked North. When I looked down again I saw besides me a toad. I took a step back when I saw it and bent down to take a closer look. The toad was eating a decaying rat. Which I thought was odd considering that the rat was as big as the toad.
So here is what I found about toads in dreams: One dream dictionary said that depending on how close you are to the toad in the dream can signify your ability to resist the temptation that is now before you. (The toad was right next to me.) And that you are tempted to go after this temptation through dishonest means.
The rat: The same dream dictionary said that rat is a symbol of greed. Because the rat was also in my backyard, which is close to my kitchen, its said that this means that I may experience the end of my constructive aims in life unless I change my course.
I believe that these two symbols stand for the financial issue that I'm currently having. But I couldn't find anything on decay.